Preventing issues before they happen our monitoring tools will look for issues and attempt to repair before users are impacted by the problems. In cases where this can't be automatically resolved it will then log a ticket for the machine with a problem for an engineer to investigate further and repair.
Improved security Our automation will be constantly looking for critical security updates that are missing from the machines. It will then automatically install them and prompt users to reboot their machines to make sure updates are installed.
Automated threat hunting Our anti-virus systems will automatically look for any viruses or other malicious software that may be on the machine and automatically resolve the issues.
Faster resolution of issues AI working faster than humanly possible.
Improved accuracy removing human error for repeat tasks.
Consistency Our Systems are built not to interfere with key components, large scale work will still require a human eye.
Analytics and stats available to our customers in reports based on findings (Executive summary reports)
Non-disruptive Key maintenance can be automated out of hours so business working isn’t impacted.